Cupid's Hall 丘比特殿堂
Every second is loves 每一秒都充满幸福

Discussion 讨论 : Buy or Rent 买还是租

Well, it is a bit frustrated as many friends of mine feel that selling wedding gowns will not be profitable, as people in Singapore/Malaysia use to rent wedding gown from bridal shop instead of buying one for themselves. They feel that wedding gown is just worthless after wedding, why bother to buy one? I used to have such thinking as well, which rent must be worthier than buying one. However, my thought changed after i get knew that renting one gown from bridal shop is not cheap at all. One ordinary designed wedding gown cost 500 bucks for 3 days rental, a better one need 1 grant at least. Is that called worthy? and the best part is, the gown was worn by many others.

最近朋友知道我开始在卖婚纱之后,不少人直言我的生意会失败。因为新马一代的人习惯了向婚纱店租借婚纱,并且觉得婚纱不值得买,因为毕竟一生只穿两三天,买来干什么呢? 很久以前我其实也有这样的想法,租借两三天肯定比购买婚纱划算。直到后来我才知道婚纱店租借婚纱一点也不像想象的便宜。一套普通的婚纱租借3天500元起跳,好看一点的1千元已经很便宜了。让我不禁觉得,租借真的比较划算吗?更重要的是,这件婚纱是很多很多人穿过的。

If 200-300 bucks can give you a fine quality gown, and 500 bucks can give you 2 gowns, why one will choose to rent from shop? The answer i got from friends is "i have no place to keep it after wedding", that is the reason they spend double of money to rent.

如果200-300 元可以买到一件品质不错的婚纱,500元可以买两套,为什么还要去租借呢?结果我的朋友不少给我的答案是,结婚之后没地方放,所以宁愿多花一倍的钱去租。

To be frank, i would like to know how do you think, as i am puzzle, which one is call 'worthy'.

说实话,我很想知道这是不是多数人的想法? 因为我始终觉得以这个理由花掉自己的血汗钱,更不值得。

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Everyone is looking for happiness throughout the life. However, there is no doubt that the wedding day is one of the happiest day for a woman in her life. The best wishes from relatives and friends, the bless from God, the beloved husband and the memorable lovely wedding gown....Maybe only women can understand what wedding gown really meant for a woman. Not many lucky women really own her memorable wedding gown, thats true. But here may make things different... 每个人一生都在寻找自己的幸福。而对许多女人而言,手捧鲜花,伴着钟声走到红地毯的那一端,更是追求一生幸福的过程中最重要的时刻。据调查说,女性如果有一场非常完美的婚礼,会增加其一生的幸福度,而幸福是抵御一切心理以及生理疾病的最好药剂。在最浪漫的时刻穿上心爱的婚纱,幸福甜蜜指数更是冲破一百分。现代女性随时都可以拥有几十件衣服,但有几人可以拥有一件属于自己的婚纱呢?也许,这里就是完成你们梦想的地方。

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